flowchart LR alice["<b>alice</b><br/><u>person</u><br/><i>name: Alice</i><br/><i>age: 34</i>"] bob["<b>bob</b><br/><u>person</u><br/><i>name: Bob</i><br/><i>age: 32</i>"] luna["<b>luna</b><br/><u>dog</u><br/><i>name: Luna</i><br/><i>cute: true</i>"] alice -- "<u>friends</u><br/><i>since: 2020</i>" --- bob alice -- "<u>owns</u>" --> luna
The Property Graph Exchange Format (PG) provides the specification of a labeled property graph data model with serialization formats PG Format, PG-JSON, and PG JSONL. The formats come with applications for converting, visualization, testing, and syntax highlighting.
# Nodes
:person name:"Alice" age:34
alice :person name:"Bob" age:32
bob :dog name:"Luna" cute:true
# Edges
-- bob :friends since:2020 # undirected
alice -> luna :owns # directed alice
pgformat Python package and command line application to parse and serialize Property Graph Exchange Format
pg-formatter web application to try out, validate and vizualize property graphs in PG format
syntax highlighting definitions of PG format for multiple highlighting engines
pgraphs property graph converter command line application and programming library
PG Test Suite for implementations
Blitzboard dashboard web application for graph data
Feedback and Sources
Feedback and questions are welcome. There is a discussion board!
The pg-format organization at GitHub contains relevant git repositories and corresponding issue trackers.
- Property Graph Exchange Format Specification
- Chiba, H., Yamanaka, R., Matsumoto, S.: Property Graph Exchange Format. 2019
- Chiba, H., Yamanaka, R., Matsumoto, S.: G2GML: Graph to Graph Mapping Language for Bridging RDF and Property Graphs. 2020
- Voß, J.: Property-Graphen: eine kurze Einführung. 2024 (German)